


Strengtia Probiotics is formulated to be an excellent source of probiotics that is stable at room temperature.

Category: SKU: 29308732425139


Strengtia Probiotics is formulated to be an excellent source of probiotics that is stable at room temperature. It is designed to support the intestines using targeted probiotics combined with prebiotic support for enhanced effectiveness. It is fairly resistant to stomach acid and is able to pass through the stomach to help the intestinal environment. Interest in probiotics changed dramatically after data started to come in from the 2008 Human Microbiome Project by the NIH. We are getting an ever increasing knowledge of the essential role that the microorganisms play in our total health picture. They are essential to the health of our skin, mucous membranes and of course intestines. Now we have a better understanding of how intestinal health is directly linked to brain health too. You can search the Human Microbiome Project if you would like to learn more. If you would just prefer to get the benefits, avoid antibiotics as much as possible, take a quality probiotic, eat foods that help your microbiome be healthier.

  • Room Temperature Stable Probiotics
  • Contains S. boulardi and B coagulans
  • Helps with Intestine Repair


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